What Else Besides the Flower Girl Basket?

Image from Brides

My venue does not allow petals to be thrown by the flower girls. Say what!? Yep, that is right. So what in the world will our little flower girls be doing in our wedding–besides looking adorable–if they will not be holding a basket?

I need help.

What would make them look like flower girls if they are not dusting the aisle with flowers?

Image from Brides
Image from Brides.

I set out on a search and came across this wonderful article on Brides magazine all girls without a flower basket and still looking very much like a flower girl!

Are there any other brides out there that aren’t allowed to throw petals? How have you gotten around venue restrictions? What will your flower girls be doing?

SAIPUA flowers

SAIPUA, a Brooklyn-based company is adding to my already overflowing file folder of wedding flowers wants/needs/must-haves. These arrangements have a great range of textures, height, and organic flow. My wedding palette is based on peach, sage, yellow, aqua, and pink. All these bouquets would work perfectly, especially incorporating the ranch feeling of Catalina Island.

Athenaeum – NVFAA

A beautiful wedding photoshoot – to showcase the Athenaeum at the North Virginia Fine Arts Association — photos by Kate Headley, flowers by Holly Chapple, styling by Ritzy Bee Events, et al. If I was in the mid-Atlantic this photoshoot might just sway me to rent the Athenaeum for a November wedding and rejoice in a vintage Americana wedding. I absolutely love the texture, colors and sensuousness of the flowers. Peach and sage go so well together especially with accents of yellow and browns. My appreciation for the right balance of what looks supremely artistically coordinated but the feeling of wildflowers effortlessly put together. Brava, Holly! And Boho Brides, check out the hair style below. A very beautiful spin on an an up-do with the braid, flower, and twirling ends.

Recycled Coffee Cans

Picture 7I am always looking for ideas to 1.) cut costs and 2.) incorporate succulents into my {imagined} tablescape. I especially love how the silvery greens and burnt oranges play off the color of these coffee cans. This would be a great idea for a relaxed, rustic, casual wedding with a vintage theme.

So how much might this D.I.Y. project cost? Pricing out the project it seems to {roughly} be:

1. Potting Soil 1 qt = $1.00
2. Aloe = $9.95
3. Echeveria = $5.15
4. Found cans = free
$16.10 per can

Wedding Flowers – Artsy, Organic, Fresh!

Wedding flowers take up way too much of my time. I think my passion for flowers comes from my mother. On all of her days off from work she would go to the nursery for new plants to tend to. We always had the most beautiful garden on the block. 

flowersA white picket fence, climbing star jasmine, sprawling garden roses, brick walkways lined with jacaranda trees. It was all so…lush. 

For my wedding I want this childhood memory wrapped up with a velvet ribbon and an antique handkerchief. However, there is just one or two difficulties with this lovely scenario. 

#1 We are getting married on a small island and there aren’t many options. #2 We don’t have much money (isn’t this always the case). So what is a girl to do?

I have looked into buying flowers from an online bulk flower service but will the flowers arrive on time and in good condition? Should I hire the one florist on the island that looks, well, decent? What is better, relying on your taste and an unreliable supplier or hoping that the one florist on the island is just right for you?